19th Swiss ICU Fellows Symposium, 03.-05.09.2020, Bogis-Bossey (VD)

The registration for the 19th Swiss ICU Fellows Symposium is open now. If you are interested to attend, follow the instructions given in the documents point by point.

COVID19: We expect that the general situation in September will allow us to conduct our symposium. The surface of our main conference room is 230 m2 which is not perfect but with masks certainly acceptable.

Reimbursement policy: If the symposium must be canceled due to legal action you will be reimbursed. For all other cancellations the reimbursement policy noted in the program flyer is valid (no reimbursement after cancellation for all reasons later than 30 days before start of the symposium).

Please realize that the number of participants is limited to 36 and in the beginning, only applicants who did not yet pass the board exam will be accepted. All others will be transfered to the waiting list.
To get registration it is mandatory to complete all fields of the registration form and to follow the registration process given in the registration form point by point. Be advised that registered fellows are expected to attend the entire symposium from the first to the last lecture. Non-compliance is regarded as severe violation of the symposium’s rules: Better step aside and leave room for other fellows.
Only in case you got a Registration Number, you must activate your registration within 2 weeks by paying the amount of 500.00 CHF (plus all money transfer fees) to the Swiss ICU Network bank account:

SwissICU Network
IBAN: CH030023323316482340T
Swiss bank transfer only; no postfinance cash transfer; all transfer fees must be paid by the applicant
reference: registration number /last name

Hans Pargger


Registration form