The ballot for the ESICM elections is open until September 29th. This is an excellent opportunity to help shape the future of Intensive Care Medicine in Europe. Thus, use your ESICM login on to participate in the vote! If you are not yet an ESICM member, you may consider the dual membership SGI/SSMI - ESICM, which is a great deal and opens up your European perspective.
As of these elections, my own mandate as the Swiss National Representative to the ESICM will end. During the last years, the close cooperation between the SGI/SSMI and the ESICM have supported efforts to fight the pandemic and provide quick and much-needed data, such as provided by the RISC-19-ICU registry which many of you have greatly contributed. Such short commiunication pathways are essential and can in the near future be used to tackle the non-pandemic related challenges such as coordination of education and certification of our profession within Europe. I strongly support Dr. Mario Keller, Senior Attending Physician in Kantonsspital Winterthur, who has entered the ballot as the next Swiss National Representative to the ESICM. Vote for Mario if you would like to show him support, and enable him to take up some of these challenges.
Further, two candidates have applied for the position of President Elect; Jan De Waele und Armand Girbes. Jan has a long history of support of the Dutch - Swiss relationship, and both candidates are a good choice for their expertise and motivation. Many other posts can be voted on, such as the research committee chair, among others.
I thank you for your support, and wish you a pleasant begin of fall time,
Matthias Hilty
PD Dr. med. Matthias Hilty
Stv. Aerztliche Leitung HOER E
Intensivstation Viszeral- und Thoraxchirurgie
Institut für Intensivmedizin
Universitätsspital Zürich
Rämistrasse 100
8091 Zurich, Schweiz